June 2020, Jeffreys Bay Wind Farm. A community bursary recipient, Amaarah Basadien, from the Eastern Cape, set off at the beginning of the year to take on the uber-challenging...

June 2020, Jeffreys Bay Wind Farm.

A community bursary recipient, Amaarah Basadien, from the Eastern Cape, set off at the beginning of the year to take on the uber-challenging task of studying for an Actuarial Science Degree, at the University of Cape Town. Armed with a curious mind, an ability to dream and the will to work hard to achieve great things, she is half-way through her first year and coming to terms with a very different year of studying than she ever imagined.

Reflecting on the impact of lockdown on her studies, Amaarah tells of the challenges she faced with getting accustomed to acclimatising to a new form of learning, especially as the majority of her study modules are application based.

“Organizing my time efficiently between the online studies as well as assignments, tests and chores was the most difficult part. Thankfully, I quickly adapted to this new way of studying within the first few weeks,” says Amaarah Basadien, Jeffreys Bay Wind Farm bursary recipient.

She added, “On a positive note, I’m a “night owl” and have thoroughly enjoyed the flexibility, plus the Jeffreys Bay Wind Farm bursary has definitely aided my studying during lockdown. Knowing that there are people that are willing to assist me, even if it is for mentorship or anything else that may make studying during this time easier for me”.

This young student has dreams beyond her studies and future career. Her interests expand to the environment and also ‘paying-it-forward’ for other students one day.

“I have always had altruistic preferences and motives especially when it comes to aiding in environmental preservation for future generations and being able to help other students, like myself, achieve their dreams the way Jeffreys Bay Wind Farm is helping me is definitely on top of my list,” concluded Amaraah.